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All posts in November, 2022

On October 12th, I fell in my handicapped shower and broke my back in three places. I had spinal fusion surgery to stabilize the broken vertebrae and was lucky to not be paralyzed. After over three weeks in hospital and rehab, I was able to go home today.  Thanks to all the marvelous medical teams at Greenville Memorial Hospital and Powdersville Post Acute Rehab center. I renamed the help button on my bed, my “angel button” because pushing it brought “angels” to take care of me. Those “angels” were the dedicated nurses and CNAs of the medical staff at the afore mentioned medical facilities. I can’t thank these wonderful people enough. And many thanks for all your prayers and concern.

My health was not that great to prior to my accident so William took over all sales on January 1, 2022. You may contact him via email at wmcochran68@me.com. We will have a limited number of puppies for pet and with full AKC registration and an even more limited number of adults as we gradually place our dogs in preparation for retiring in late 2023. Check with William at his email if interested in a Cochran’s Cavalier. wmcochran68@me.com